Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to: make your own moisteuriser

Well, how I make my own moisteuriser, anyway. I have been experimenting with homemade options and natural things like aloe vera gel, sweet almond oil, but everything has left my skin feeling tight and dry after a few days to a week. I have been using only this to nourish my face for almost a month and I love love LOVE it!

It's very simple in principle - it's based on the Oil Cleansing Method but without the castor oil. It's a mixture of nourishing oils that are good for your skin. I have tried both olive oil and almond oil alone before, but they never really worked. However, in COMBINATION - you see, the genius of it! - I think the different oils penetrate to different depths in the skin or provide different vitamins or something like that, because it works.

I use around 40% olive oil, 40% sweet almond oil and 20% vitamin E oil. I will add castor oil and start trying OCM when I manage to find some. For now, mixing up a batch of this lasts me almost a month and must cost me somewhere around 50 cents to a Euro max. A little goes a long way!

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